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Guest Lecture / Workshop

SR.NOAcademic YearGAPTopicExpert nameClassDatePO-PSO Mapping
12023-24Skills that young people have and the skills that employers needPersonality DevelopmentSunil Kumar SharmaTY22-08-2023
22023-24Skills that young people have and the skills that employers needPowar SystemMr. N. J. PatilTY10-05-2023
32023-24Skills that young people have and the skills that employers needElectrical SafetyMr.R. G. WaydandeSY01-11-2024
42024-25Skills that young people haveIndian ConstitutionShree K.L. RandiveSY12-07-2024
52024-25Industry InteractionIndustrial AutomationMr. Akash Anil DongaleTY06-08-2024
62024-25Enhancing an student's social and emotional well-beingPersonality DevelopmentMrs. Pragati Y. KadolkarSY10-09-2024
72024-25Interview Techniques & Grooming EtiquettesMr. Chetan KulkarniTY20-01-2025